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» ajuda porfa
Ground Pound Icon_minitimeDom Set 13, 2015 10:28 am por kokeke

» OW Show Off
Ground Pound Icon_minitimeSex Fev 03, 2012 12:40 am por vuthiouo

» Imagens/Vídeos de Sua Hack!
Ground Pound Icon_minitimeSeg Dez 19, 2011 1:29 am por jicloupr

» Mudamos para o SMW Tech
Ground Pound Icon_minitimeQui Nov 10, 2011 6:53 pm por FD Manuz OW Hacker

» Porque Nenhum Custom Music Funciona
Ground Pound Icon_minitimeSeg Nov 07, 2011 4:03 pm por Giga Gaia

» É isso....
Ground Pound Icon_minitimeSex Out 28, 2011 6:25 pm por -Undefinied3-

» Qual é o nome dessa musica? Onde a encontro?
Ground Pound Icon_minitimeSeg Out 24, 2011 7:53 pm por Breno

» Perguntas Rapidas
Ground Pound Icon_minitimeSex Out 07, 2011 5:55 pm por FD Manuz OW Hacker

» Projeto de tradução do arquivo de ajuda do Lunar Magic
Ground Pound Icon_minitimeTer Out 04, 2011 10:17 pm por FD Manuz OW Hacker

» Recrutamento de moderadores.
Ground Pound Icon_minitimeTer Out 04, 2011 10:09 pm por -Undefinied3-

» Projeto de reforma grand finale
Ground Pound Icon_minitimeTer Out 04, 2011 6:01 pm por FD Manuz OW Hacker

» Esse fórum necessita de participação URGENTE
Ground Pound Icon_minitimeSeg Out 03, 2011 2:00 pm por FD Manuz OW Hacker

» Sobre este fórum
Ground Pound Icon_minitimeDom Out 02, 2011 12:27 pm por FD Manuz OW Hacker

» Galeria do Lunar Mario
Ground Pound Icon_minitimeDom Out 02, 2011 12:25 pm por FD Manuz OW Hacker

» Programação em C, C++
Ground Pound Icon_minitimeSáb Out 01, 2011 8:00 pm por Vitor Vilela

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Ground Pound

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Ground Pound Empty Ground Pound

Mensagem por Taven Sáb maio 14, 2011 9:38 pm

Bom, primeiramente, faz tempo que não entro no Forum, tava fora do SMW "Hacking World" agora eu decidi criar uma nova hack, mas só que o patche Ground Pound que eu tenho aki, qndo eu dou o Pound a música para e qndo eu morro, ou saio de tela, não vai pro OW, quebra arom, aki esta o código
!Freespace = $108000

; Pointers

!RAM = $0660 ;------------point this to an EMPTY RAM address
!FreezeMarioTimer = $0F ;-this is how long (in FRAMES) Mario pauses in the air
!AirSFX = $61 ;-----------this is the sound effect Mario makes in the air
!PoundSFX = $37 ;---------this is the sound effect Mario makes when he pounds the ground
!GroundTimer = $29 ;------this is the speed Mario goes when ground pounding



org $108000
db $00, $00    ; |
org $108000
db $00    ; | aquired from Bio's post
org $108000
db $03,$01,$33, $00, 55   ; /

;These are the hex edits, in ASM form
;org $01A928    ; \
;   db $AD,$7A,$18,$F0,$08   ; | Disable boosting Mario if he is spin jumping
;org $01A92D ; |
;   db $A9,$F8,$85,$7D   ; /
;org $01A928    ; \ This makes Mario rise almost unnoticably
;   JSL NewRise    ; /

org $00D093 ; \ disable fireball while spin jumping
db $80 ; /

;the following 6 ORGs are for disabling spin jump
org $00D63E ; \ disable normal spin jumping
db $80 ; |
org $00D643   ; |
db $80   ; /
org $00EA80 ; \ Disable spin jumping out of the water
NOP #18 ; /
org $00F5E8 ; \ disable spinning when hit while gliding
db $00 ; /
org $01A8D3 ; \ disable boosting Mario when spin jumping
db $AD ; /
org $01E68F ; \ disable spin jumping off of a springboard
NOP #11 ; /

org $00F5F3 ; \ Keep Mario from spin jumping when hit
JSL NoSpin ; /
NOP ;delete the extra byte

;The following is the actual code stuff

org $00A21B ; \ hack the routine neccesary to start
JSL Routine ; /

org !Freespace

!CodeSize = Ending-Routine ; \
db "STAR"    ; | All code preservation
dw !CodeSize-$01 ; |
dw !CodeSize-$01^$FFFF ; /

LDA $187A    ; \ Doesn't work if you are on Yoshi.
ORA $1470 ; | Or if you are carrying an enemy
ORA $148F ; | Or if you are carrying an object
ORA $75 ; | Or if you are swimming
ORA $14A6    ; | Or if you are using your cape spin
ORA $1493 ; | Or if the level is cleared
BNE Clear1 ; /

LDA $72    ; \ If Mario's on the ground..
BEQ CheckStomp    ; / Check for the pound flag.
LDA !RAM    ; \ If the RAM is already set...
CMP #$FF ; | and it's to be cleared, go to the clear routine (indirectly)
BEQ CheckStomp ; /
LDA $73    ; \ if you are ducking, the ground pound doesn't work
BNE Clear ; / I put the code here so it won't mess up the stomp routine
LDA !RAM ; \ If RAM is set, skip the initiation routine and start pose coding
BNE Set ; /
BRA Label ; \
Clear1: ; | This is to keep the Clear branches working
BRA Clear ; | (the BNE Clear)

Label: ; /
LDA $16 ; \
AND #$04 ; | Only works if you press the DOWN button.
BEQ Return1 ; /

LDA #$0B ; \ set Mario's flying to 0B, which is springboard default
STA $72 ; / it makes the pose not look weird if the ground pound is negated (and Mario dash jumped)
JSR DisableController ; disable the controller
LDA #!AirSFX    ; \ Set sound when pound activated.
STA $1DFC ; /
STZ $7D    ; \ Temporarily freeze X
STZ $7B    ; / And Y speed.
LDA $76 ; \ Store Mario's direction, for later use
STA !RAM ; | This also sets the RAM. It is increased because the direction is ALWAYS 1 or zero.
INC !RAM ; / If it was 0, the RAM still wouldn't be set, so it is increased.
LDA #!FreezeMarioTimer ; \ Freeze Mario for a defined period of time.
STA $18BD    ; /
LDA #$01 ; \ Set spin jump flag...
STA $140D    ; /
LDA #!GroundTimer ; \ Set speed on coming back to ground..
STA $7D    ; /
BRA Return1

STZ !RAM ;Clear the RAM
STZ $140D ;Stop the spin jump
BRA Return1

LDA !RAM    ; \ If the flag hasn't been set..
BEQ Return1 ; / Skip.
CMP #$FF ; \ Clear flag (for the block).
BEQ Clear    ; /
LDA $72    ; \ Skip pound if in air again.
BNE Return1 ; /
JSR DisableController ; disable the controller
LDA !RAM ; \
CMP #$50 ; | Clear the RAM if Mario's ground pound was negated midair
BEQ Clear ; /
LDA #!PoundSFX    ; \ Set Pound SFX...
STA $1DFC ; /
JSL YoshiStompRoutine ; make the yoshi smoke come out original code is from the Code Library
LDA #$FF    ; \ Set #$FF to flag
STA !RAM    ; / to clear it later
LDA $16    ; \ Restore the
AND #$10    ; / Hijacked code.

LDA !RAM ; \
CMP #$50 ; | Don't set ground pound if it's negated
BEQ Return ; /
JSR DisableController ; disable the controller
LDA !RAM ; \
CMP #$03 ; | If Mario's ground pound was negated one frame before, keep him from turning
BCS Negate ; /
BCS Skip
LDA $7D ; \
CMP #$80 ; | If Mario is moving up, negate the ground pound
BCS Negate ; /
LDA #$1C ; \ and set the ground pound pose
STA $13E0 ; /

DEC !RAM ; \ Changes the RAM back to Mario's previous direction
LDA !RAM ; | This is to keep Mario from doing a strange looking boogy
STA $76 ; | and to keep him facing the way he was
INC !RAM ; / And fixes the RAM for this use

LDA $16    ; \ Restore the
AND #$10    ; / Hijacked code.
RTL ; and that's it! for the main code

STZ $140D ; disable the spin jump
LDA !RAM ; \
CMP #$03 ; | If direction might need fixing, fix it
BCS Turn ; / (occurs right after ground pound is negated
INC !RAM ; \
INC !RAM ; | Set the disabled flag
INC !RAM ; /
BRA Return

LDA !RAM ; \
SEC ; | set Mario's direction
SBC #$04 ; | back to first set
STA $76 ; /
LDA #$50 ; \ and disable ground pound
STA !RAM ; / and turn
BRA Return

STZ $15 ; \
STZ $16 ; | Keep the controller value zero, simulating no button press
STZ $17 ; | This is JSR to to because it saves space, keeping some branches working
STZ $18 ; / (BRA, BNE, BCS, etc)

LDA !RAM ; \
BEQ Restore ; | If there is no ground pound right now,
LDA !RAM ; | just restore the code
CMP #$50 ; |
BCS Restore ; /
STZ $140D ; stop spin jump
INC !RAM ; \
INC !RAM ; | Set the disabled flag
INC !RAM ; /
LDY.b #$04 ; \ restore hijacked code
STY.w $1DF9 ; /

LDA $1697
BNE ReturnR
LDA $94
STA $16D1,Y
LDA $95
LDA $96
ADC #$0F
STA $16D9,Y
LDA $97
ADC #$00
JSR ShakeGroundGenSmoke
RTL ; Return

LDA #$05 ; \ Set ground shake timer
STA $1887 ; /
LDA #$09 ; \ Play sound effect
STA $1DFC ; /
JSR Label4
LDY #$07 ; \ Find a free extended sprite slot
Label5:    ; |
LDA $170B,Y ; |
BEQ SpawnSmoke ; |
DEY ; |
BPL Label5 ; |
RTS ; / Return if no free slots


LDA #$15
STA $176F,Y
RTS ; Return

LDA $140D ; \
BNE LowBoost ; /
LDA #$F8 ; \
STA $7D ; /
LDA #$FE ; \
STA $7D ; /

Será que tem algo a ver com o Freespace?
Nível 0
Nível 0

Mensagens : 1
Pontos : 152
Data de inscrição : 18/12/2009
Idade : 29
Localização : São Paulo

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Ground Pound Empty Re: Ground Pound

Mensagem por FD Manuz OW Hacker Dom maio 22, 2011 1:44 pm

Pode sim ter a ver com o Freespace. Tente mudá-lo. Nota: use aquela tool de verificar os freespaces após expandir a ROM pra uns 2 ou 4MB (o nome da ferramenta me fugiu...)
FD Manuz OW Hacker
FD Manuz OW Hacker
Nível 2
Nível 2

Mensagens : 48
Pontos : 2177
Data de inscrição : 21/12/2009
Idade : 29
Localização : Sombras Vertigo Vortex

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